Save The Mustangs

How can we get the Bureau of Land Management to End Helicopter Round Ups? How can we stop them from harming and killing our American Wild Horse and Wild Burro population? We can stand together and fight to keep these amazing pieces of History alive! WE can become advocates for the Wild Horses and Burros and give them voices so they can run free on the range where they have been for hundreds of years!

two horses with their heads togehter nuzzling

Please I ask you to be a Voice for The Wild Horses and Burros. If you don't know how to help contact the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) or Wild For Life Foundation.Click here for info about the Wild For Life Foundation

We can save these legends and by fighting Congress and Bureau of Land Management we can keep wild horses and burros wild or save the ones that have been cruelly treated! I encourage you to help us stop The Bureau of Land Management from doing these Helicopter Round-Ups. Help us keep these American legends ALIVE and Running Free Forever!

paint colt looking back and forth

* It may be upsetting for some people to watch this. It happened on July 2, 2022 a foal was brutally treated and during that same roundup there was a mare that died and the way she was brutally treated may be upsetting to see. If we don't see what they are doing and spread the word to make people aware NOONE is going to stop this from happening. LINK

* Please stop The Bureau of Land Management from doing this to other foals. On August 3, 2022: There were two foal deaths after the BLM euthanized a 6-month-old foal, according to BLM had an "existing" broken right front knee and "other existing injuries" and a 6-month-old filly with "pre-existing" puncture wounds and abscesses.

* There are many foals that fall behind in these Helicopter Round Ups and often times they get separated from there moms. They get injured legs, sometimes the helicopter debris causes the puncture wounds and abscesses, that later causes the Bureau of Land Management to euthanize them for having. This link is from the mind and lives of the foals.HELP THEM HAVE A VOICE

foals being friends
a foal by itself
2 baby foals

* This shows how abusive the Men and Women Rounding Up the Wild Horses and Burros are when they have them in the "trap pens". They can be seen here whipping them and scaring them so badly that they trample each other! GRAPHIC LINK

* To read about this Twin Peaks Round Up and the other Wild Horses and Burros that lost their lives during that tragedy. I warn you there are some scenes in this site that are graphic. Click this LINK!

During the Triple B Complex Round Up other Mustangs lost their lives, this shows a helicopter so determined to get one horse after it crashes into a panel he chases it, hovers mere feet over it to scare and torment LINK! To read about the Triple B Complex Round Up. Click this LINK!

blueroan horse mane blowing in wind palamino paint looking at camera grazing mustangs tri-paint standing proud

 paint mom and foal

We need to come together, there is a REAL need to mandate the Bureau of Land Management to use PZP (Porcine Zona Pellucida) a Fertility control vaccine given to Mares and filly's via remote darting.

This Vaccine has been scientifically proven and used for 3 decades. It could be used to cut down on herd numbers and would control the herds from growing to large for the land mass so these amazing Wild Horse and Burros would not be caught, tortured and killed during week and month long Helicopter Round-Ups. There are two projects right now set up for helping wild burros and wild horses with PZP there needs to be more projects.LINKThese are two great Programs. LINK

Public Law 92-195-December 15, 1971 a law was passed and Mandated called the Wild Free Roaming Wild Horses and Burros Act of 1971.LINK

Bureau of Land Management should be held accountable for the things they are doing to these amazing spirits!

Go to or Wild for Life on how to help!


17 Mallison Falls Rd, Windham Me 04062


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